Lights in trees

Eons ago it seems
One night, two phones
Like bricks, dropped
On the grass
Beside the swings
Siren in me called
To the depths of soul
Blackest ink of night
On accused innocent shore
Marieville esplanade
Yachts silent witness
Lights in trees
Pulled back to reality
Grounded me with roots
Hundred years deep
A semblance of friendship
No matter how keen
Held the dear life
Within me
Winter Feast, Salamanca Tasmania

For book club

A whirlwind of sound
Light. Colour. Spoken word
Lyrics, whispered shouting
Into our armpits
Wall to wall
At the Queen's Ball.
I wonder where my place is.
A crumpled sticker
On the toilet cubicle floor
Round like the world
Spruiking 'For God so loved.. ' at 2am
To those using the bathroom
A seeming invasion of privacy
I return to the dance floor
To see lovers, women, kissing
Couples dancing to the end
I stand alone watching
Not realising I, too, am invading
Intimacy I do not own
Conversations with new friends
Planning a sapphic bookclub
My eyes drift up and to the right - she says- as I speak the name
A potential future love
Though hope has evaded me before, and likely will again
I shrug my shoulders
'See how it goes'
~'Meet at Sweet Brew it is the best'
But most of all ~
Do it for book club xo


A planetary parade
Gives reason to
Pulmonary ache
First day of season
Bathe in frigid waters
Simply beaming
At possibility
Passersby might
Look for me too
Dipping friends
Wonder why my eyes
Search the shore
Not the thin grey line
Where ocean meets sky
Treading water forever
Till we grow cold
Fire lit inside
Moon mimics CSIRO lights at Salamanca Wharf, Tasmania