Lights in trees

Eons ago it seems
One night, two phones
Like bricks, dropped
On the grass
Beside the swings
Siren in me called
To the depths of soul
Blackest ink of night
On accused innocent shore
Marieville esplanade
Yachts silent witness
Lights in trees
Pulled back to reality
Grounded me with roots
Hundred years deep
A semblance of friendship
No matter how keen
Held the dear life
Within me
Winter Feast, Salamanca Tasmania

English rose

So opposed to prose poetry
Nonetheless, worthy of attention
Shall I mention?
Many moments of recollection
A single scarlet bloom
Growing unseasonally cool
Garden bed
Across the way, down vale
Over ridge
Nestled in sweet Cove
Treasures behold
Peppermint gums overhead
Cacophony of parrots inhabit
Colonial-aged gums
Too wide to embrace
Nigh on fifteen years
Since the first bloom begun
A mere bud
Swaying to the tune of her own song
Now grown, pruned, renewed
How wonderful to recall
Glimpses of past seasons
Of years between us
Now the breadth of which
Becomes relatively small
What say you to celebrating
One more year gone?
Until our blooming is done
Rose hip tea, anyone?
Image by wordpress


A planetary parade
Gives reason to
Pulmonary ache
First day of season
Bathe in frigid waters
Simply beaming
At possibility
Passersby might
Look for me too
Dipping friends
Wonder why my eyes
Search the shore
Not the thin grey line
Where ocean meets sky
Treading water forever
Till we grow cold
Fire lit inside
Moon mimics CSIRO lights at Salamanca Wharf, Tasmania

Sacred geometry

Upon waking I realise
I am not ready for
The way the world
Presses in on me
From all sides
Until I spy
The spiral motion
Of living things
All around
I feel safe
At home
Taking my shell
Of security
With me
Curl once more
Adding up the numbers
Wins multiply behind me
Cast myself off
From the shore merrily
To begin another adventure
Between the tides
A cornucopia of shell finds cast ashore at Taroona Tasmania

More than

Every woman deserves
More than a sonnet
A statue

Warmth of gentle hand
Kind words repeated
Especially in the heart
Of the storm

More than beauty worship
But limbs of dignity
Pride and passion
Are fostered

More than 'your woman'
To cherish or ignore
Wit and intelligence
Not enough or too much
For yours?

Draw back velvet curtain
More than body -
Heart and soul
Odeon Lounge Bar, Hobart Tasmania